How I Do Content

185. Are online courses dead? The truth about evergreen course sales in 2025 with Jessica Tutton

Tahryn Bolt Season 5 Episode 185

Online courses are DEAD.

Well, that’s what the online gurus will have you believe.

The ins + outs lists for 2025 are predicting online course creators are in for a tough time. 

Butttt should you really believe them?

Instead of taking their word for it I’m going to ask someone I trust. Someone who KNOWS what it takes to build a successful online course business model. That someone is Jessica Tutton.

Jess is a Facebook Ads Specialist & Launch Strategist who is completely obsessed with helping you sell and scale your course or membership.

She believes that the type of business you decide to run should be a perfect fit for your lifestyle. Whether it’s kid wrangling, travelling, or making it your mission to take a dip in the ocean everyday.

And that’s why she loves teaching entrepreneurs – whether they’re scaling from 1:1 or starting a course-based business from scratch – how to sell courses simply.

In today’s episode of the How I Do Content Podcast Jess and I chat about all things online courses – including Jess’s biggest predictions for online course creators in 2025 and how you can create an online course that sells well AND gets clients epic results.

So if “create or scale your online course” is on your to-do list for 2025 – keep listening.

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Background Music is Copyright Free. You're free to use this music in your videos.
Track: Harry Potter Theme Song
Music promoted by Chayatori Records
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